
Frith Farm

Saturday, June 8, 2013

CSA Begins + Baby Animals

I'm not sure if the boys here at Frith would agree, but it's been a doozy of a week for me at the farm. 

The days have gotten much longer, which means now work starts at 6am for us, yikes! That sounds a lot earlier when I write it than it actually does when we wake up though. The sun rises around 5:10 now, and our animals, especially the layers, want their breakfast on time! 

This week was special though because it was our first CSA share pick-up! We were glad to be able to give a smaller share one week earlier than planned, consisting of kale, collards, bok choy or swiss chard, and spinach. 

It was good for us apprentices to see how the CSA works and the preparation needed to harvest what we offer every Tuesday and Friday. 

We were all really excited to get to meet and talk to so many of you as well. Most of our days on the farm are just the four of us and having 70 new people come every week just might turn in to the highlight of our week! Above you'll see two of our Tuesday CSA-ers who agreed to let me photograph them with their fresh produce. Thanks ladies!

Also this week Daniel came home with some new piglets for the farm! They are now tucked in to their new home at the edge of the forest behind our fields, foraging through the leaf layer and dirt for tasty treats to supplement their feed. 

Also I thought it might be a good idea to give a kitten update and to let any potential kitten-seekers that we have one little one available!

They're basically the cutest things ever and brighten our day whenever we walk by them. 

Make sure to stop by and pick one up if you need some TLC this coming week!

I know I do on a regular basis!

Last but not least, I wanted to give a big thank you to the friends and family of Frith Farm and the four of us who live and work here. We have been the recipients of a lot of love so far this season, in the form of baked goods usually, but this week we were also given some pints of Ben & Jerry's by Daniel's father Stuart and it definitely made our week! We really do appreciate all of you who get your produce, eggs or meat from us and we hope you enjoy the weeks and months to come of this season!

P.S. Each week starting now, I'm going to attempt to throw out some links/a link to recipes related to our CSA share produce. This week we gave you some collards and this link here is the recipe I was dreaming up to try this weekend, we'll see if I actually get to making it or not!

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